The following are the minimum computer requirements:
Hydrocarbon Expert™ software is compatible with the following chromatography (software) data systems:
Please contact us if your chromatography data handling software is not listed above.
- PC or laptop computer running Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 or 8
- 30MB of available disk space
- 1GB of RAM
- Display with minimum resolution 800 X 600
Hydrocarbon Expert™ software is compatible with the following chromatography (software) data systems:
- From Agilent
- OpenLAB GC Chemstation
- OpenLAB GC-MS Chemstation
- OpenLAB EZChrom
- GC Chemstation
- GC-MS Chemstation
- Chemserver
- From PerkinElmer
- TurboChrom
- TotalChrom
- From Thermo Scientific
- Atlas
- Chromeleon
- ChromQuest
- ChromCard
- Xcalibur
- From Bruker (formerly Varian)
- Galaxie
- Compass
- From Justice Innovation
- ChromPerfect
- From Data Apex
- Clarity
Please contact us if your chromatography data handling software is not listed above.