SimDis Expert® Software Version |
"Lite" |
"Advanced" |
"Multi-Channel" |
"MS" |
Simulated Distillation Methods |
X |
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X |
X |
ASTM D2887 (low, extended and high temperature) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASTM D3710 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASTM D5307 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASTM D5399 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASTM D6352 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASTM D7096 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASTM D7169 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASTM D7213 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASTM D7398 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASTM D7500 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASTM D2425 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASTM D7807 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
DIN 51435 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
IP 406 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
IP 480 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
IP 507 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
IP 545 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ISO 3924 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
EN 15199-1 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
EN 15199-2 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
EN 15199-3 (proposed method) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Crude by External Standard (low, extended and high temperature) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Software Capabilities |
Cut points can be defined by user |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASTM D-86 and D-1160 correlations can be optimized for D-2887
and D3710 |
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X |
X |
X |
Liquid/Vapor Ratio (D-3710) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Reid Vapor Pressure (D-3710) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Gases (D-3710) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Motor Oil Volatility (MOV) (LUBE) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Recovery (all methods ) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
On screen peak identification – allows the user to visually verify and correct time
calibrations if needed; the retention time chromatogram is displayed with
component names at the apex of each identified peak.Typing is not required to make corrections |
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X |
On-screen sample analysis – sample chromatograms, calculations and plots are all
displayed on the same screen |
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X |
X |
X |
Printed reports can be customized |
X |
X |
X |
X |
User access levels can be defined for enhanced security |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Multiple stored reports can be compared on screen or on paper;
and compared to sample being analyzed |
X |
X |
X |
Several chromatograms can be overlaid for comparative purposes |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Calculations and plots are automatically updated when the start
and/or end of the elution mark is changed by the operator ‘on-screen’ |
X |
X |
X |
X |
The elution detection algorithm is automatically adjusted (it
‘learns’) based on user defined elution marks |
X |
X |
X |
X |
A ‘blank’ chromatogram can be changed or removed during sample
analysis |
X |
X |
X |
X |
The boiling point table can be customized.Any ‘percent off’ value can be added to or
removed from the table. |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Resolution points can be customized |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Expanded integration parameters are available |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Enhanced baseline algorithm; this option enhances the shape of
the blank signal before it is subtracted from the sample chromatogram |
X |
X |
X |
X |
An alternate algorithm can be used for samples with slow elution
instead of the standard ASTM procedure |
X |
X |
X |
X |
End of the sample can be established based on the retention time
of the last carbon in the calibration |
X |
X |
X |
X |
The signal can be zeroed and/or chromatogram shift can be
defined when negative time slices are encountered |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Correlation points can be added and optimized by the user |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Carbon numbers can be used to define
cut points |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Carbon number vs. percent off can be plotted |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Volume calculations are available for crude samples |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASCII reports are available and fully customizable for use with
other software applications |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Report comparisons can be exported to ASCII or Excel |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Screen/user interface layout color can be modified to suit the
user |
X |
X |
X |
X |
English and Spanish language support |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Multiple channels can be monitored during the same analytical
run |
X |
X |
Carbon |
X |
X |
Sulfur |
X |
X |
Nitrogen |
X |
X |
Hydrogen |
X |
X |
Other (can be defined) |
X |
X |
Sample blending simulation(s) can be performed |
X |
X |
X |
Boiling point correction by Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA) |
X |
X |
X |
Average and percent standard deviation calculations are
available when comparing results, reports |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ratios are available for comparative purposes |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Multiple cut point tables can be generated |
X |
X |
X |
Cut points can be individually labeled |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Graphic view (bar and line charts) of the cut point tables |
X |
X |
X |
X |
"Views" can be sent to clipboard or Windows Enhanced
Metafiles for use with other software programs |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Baseline signal can be viewed along with the sample signal |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Special procedure(s)/programs can be automatically executed if
there’s a QC failure |
X |
X |
X |
Results can be automatically exported to Microsoft Excel |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Built in peak integrator (not forced to use the one the GC
manufacturer provides with their data acquisition software ex. ChemStation) |
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X |
The distillation is 'interactive'.That is, the percent distilled and
temperature can be noted at any point during the ongoing sample analysis |
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X |
NOACK volatility calculation per DIN 51581-2 |
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X |
The ‘skewness’ associated with multiple peaks is measured |
X |
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X |
X |
The response factors for multiple components is measured |
X |
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X |
X |
CETANE Index is determined per ASTM-D976 or ASTM D-4737 |
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X |
X |
Calculated Flash Point |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Available distillation chart depicting temperature and time
along the X axis |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Built in e-mail system; does not require MS Outlook (or other)
software to be installed |
X |
X |
X |
baseline subtraction’; an option which can be activated in the parameter file
to instruct the software to hold off sample processing until a blank has been
acquired.This is useful in high
temperature methods when using a blank after the sample has been analyzed is
often preferred and not the one run prior to the sample. |
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Automatic detection of ‘quenching window’; When this option
is activated in the parameter file, an algorithm is automatically used to
identify the beginning and end of the solvent peak |
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X |
Manual/graphical adjustment of the ‘quenching window’.The markers denoting the beginning and end
of the solvent peak can be adjusted on-screen by the user |
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X |
Y-axis added to the retention time signal |
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X |
Components reported as gases (per D-7096) can be selected |
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X |
The sample name is included when
exporting a comparison table |
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X |
X |
Multiple reports can be combined into a single .pdf file |
X |
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X |
Ability to analyze saturated and aromatic compounds by MS |
X |